Monday, April 25, 2005


Hi all. I'm looking forward to seeing the Terra Nulius. I hope you're all actually enjoying this project, too. It will all be worth the blood sweat and tears you put into it when you see it all come together in the end.

Sometime on tuesday morning, we would like a short show and tell from each team. Yeap, Darren and Andy have been telling us that you're a bunch of slackers. Prove them WRONG!

Seriously though... As time is of the essence, we don't want a minute by minute run down of everything you've done, we just want you to show us the coolest thing your team has done to date, what you're doing now and what you're going to be doing next. 10 minutes at the most! Impress they who shall be assessing ye...

Cheers crew. B.


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